


At 韦德娱乐app下载地址, we believe that learning is all about the student.

每个年轻人的毕业之路都是独一无二的, a path that the student shapes with support from our 人才ed 教师 and 工作人员. Our curriculum features incredible breadth and depth so that students can dive deep in the humanities, 在阀杆, 在艺术领域. 是否目标是完成大量的AP课程, 专注于全球研究, 或者去探索艺术, Solebury’s academic program provides rich opportunities in these areas and many more.

不管我们的学生追求什么目标, 我们从不忽视个体, valuing most of all the diverse experiences and backgrounds each member of the community brings to our vibrant learning environment.





At 韦德娱乐app下载地址, we believe that learning is all about the student. Our distinctive and dynamic academic program guides students to discover and pursue their passions and inspires them to set and rise to rigorous expectations.




韦德娱乐app下载地址吸引并留住了优秀的教师, 他们都很有见识, 充满激情的, 并致力于学生. Many administrators, including the Head of School, teach as well.



Every student is assigned a 教师 advisor who serves as mentor, advocate and guide. Advisors help students develop the skills they need to achieve their potential and to be ready for college. 顾问也是家长们的联络点.


We offer students a variety of opportunities to challenge themselves at the highest levels. Advanced Placement (AP) classes are offered in every discipline, 包括化学, 2级微积分, 政府与政治, 英国文学与写作, 西班牙语, 法国, 和工作室艺术. Solebury students consistently demonstrate levels of mastery in AP exams that enable them to receive college cr编辑. 学生还可以选择一系列荣誉课程, 包括荣誉科学, 数学, 和英语课,以及道德和论文. Designed by our 教师, these courses provide a level of challenge similar to that of AP courses.


索利伯里学校提供每个核心学科的选修课. 根据学生和教师的兴趣而创建的, more than 100 distinct electives offer students a variety of study options that rivals that of many colleges. 是否取证, 阿拉伯世界, 工程, 库尔特·冯内古特的作品, 亡灵文学, 或数字插图, 这些课程为每个人提供了选择. 在一起, 我们的核心, AP, 荣誉, and elective classes allow Solebury students to stretch themselves, 智力成熟, and to enter college with a firm sense of their interests and strengths.


Classes begin at 8:30am, except on Wednesdays, when the first class starts at 9:00am. These later start times complement the natural circadian rhythms of teen年龄rs, whose circadian rhythms keep them up later at night and put them at a disadvant年龄 first thing in the morning. Our 80-minute classes allow for deeper, more experiential learning. 除了讲座, teachers have time for in-class activities and explorations and to follow-up and reflect on them within the same class period.


In an academic program that balances challenge and support, support comes in a variety of forms. The bedrock piece is the availability of teachers for extra help. 对于那些需要更多结构化支持的人, 但不需要正式的支持计划, 有同伴导师.



Four days a week there is time built into the schedule for students to meet with teachers. 寻求帮助——或者仅仅是登记入住——是例行公事.



任何人在写作过程的任何阶段的资源, 教师可以帮助学生集思广益, 撰写论文陈述, 编辑, 和校对. The 写作中心 is also a quiet place to write and no reservations are required.